School Council

The school council is a group of children who work alongside the PTFA to fundraise, organise events, and support the development of the school.

Every year we hold an assembly where the children are invited to make a short presentation as part of their election campaign. Then, all the children take part in an anonymous vote to establish representatives throughout the school.

The School Council host regular meetings to discuss and organise school activities, social events, themed days, charity fundraising and community projects. Recently the Council helped us to create a mew Positive Behaviour Policy.

We’re so proud of all the children that dedicate their time to the School Council, securing funds and hosting events to make Dean Gibson the best school it can be. We look forward to seeing what the children do in the future and aim to support them every step of the way.

School Council Trip to the Houses of Parliament - June 2022

School Council had a brilliant trip to London recently where they visited the Houses of Parliament. They started off with a tour before sitting in on real life debates in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They then had a workshop where they created their own constituencies and learnt about the process of voting. They also elected their very own Prime Minister!

The children were such good ambassadors for Dean Gibson and this did not go unnoticed by the general public.